Wouldn’t it be wonderful if your website could tell you who your prospects are, where they come from, what they want and how well your marketing is working?

That’s entirely possible, and your website might be able to tell you that right now, if you’ve installed and configured stat-tracking software such as Google Analytics.

Google Analytics is the most widely used web analytics service on the internet, and it’s free. Visitors to your website can be tracked after a small snippet of JavaScript code is added to your website pages, and visitors won’t notice it at all.

Let’s go over the four main reports within Analytics, and what each can tell us.


This report tells you the age, location and gender of site visitors. For example, you might learn that most site visitors are females older than 60; if your ideal customers are parents with young children, you need to revise your marketing strategy or modify your website.

You can find out what percentage of site visitors are new or returning visitors, how much time they spend on the site, how many pages they visit and whether they’re using a desktop or mobile device when they visit.

Note: Mobile device usage is growing quickly; if a high percent of site visitors use mobile phones and your site is not mobile-friendly, that’s another problem.


In this report, you’ll learn how people are finding your website and the pages they land on.

Are people finding your site because they go to it directly, because of your social media posts, links on other websites, your paid advertising or because they found you in a Google Malaysia SEO search?

If a significant portion is direct traffic, it’s a sign of a good brand strategy on your part — prospects know and remember who you are. If they find you because of a Google search — or do not — it’s evidence that informs how well your content and search engine optimization strategy is working. Understanding where site visitors come from and what pages they arrive on will help you see what’s working and where to beef up your efforts.

For example, if you would like to increase referral traffic, you might contact companies who also reach your desired audience and offer to write blog posts.

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Insights gleaned from this section help us understand what site visitors want — what pages are most popular and where they spend their time. If you know what site visitors are most interested in, you can speak to their interests in your online marketing strategies by giving them the information they find most important and producing more content about that particular topic.

Conversely, if what you’re talking about in your promotions is not what people actually are reading, you should re-evaluate what you’re doing.

You can create more internal website links to reference other posts that are relevant but less popular.
You also can update less popular pages to improve their relevance and appeal.


The goal of most websites is to get someone to act; perhaps to complete a purchase or fill out a contact form. In this report, you can see how well that’s working — what percentage of people went through the process of arriving at your site, absorbing information, then taking the next step in your sales funnel.

This is especially important for e-commerce merchants who want to understand the buying process of site visitors. For example, knowing when someone abandons a shopping cart is critical information.

If you leverage the information well, the information you glean from analytics will help you understand how well your marketing is working and to make the necessary changes to your website.

Now is the perfect time of year to make this assessment.

SEO Tips Source: columbiatribune.com

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